October Friday the 13th 5-8pm join me at Rimbert Illustration for a hair raising good time to share your sightings, your encounters, your knowledge from past and future lives, your dreams, your soul missions, your off-planet experiences–anything alien, cryptid related. Or just come listen and have a brief encounter with Bremerton’s favorite cryptid…Krampus Bremerton!
Rimbert Illustration encourages any artform as long as it does not harm anyone or any property. Ideas are poetry, music, comedy and storytelling–costumes are also encouraged. Please email drimbert79@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the line up behind the mic. Located at 617 N Callow Ave Bremerton. Open to all ages but please use discretion when deciding to attend because some subject matter may be frightening. $10 contribution requested but not required.